搜索 Eka

  • Chapter 1: The Kate Bush StoryThis documentary explores Kate Bush's career and music, from January 1978's Wuthering Heights to her 2011 album 50 Words for Snow, through the testimony of some of her key collaborators and those she has inspired. Contributors include the guitarist who discovered her (Pink Floyd's David Gi…
  • An exclusive all-new interstitial content for the first time in 15 years. See the Cryptkeeper take a blast through the past, decomposing the best of the '70s, '80s, '90s and '00s, on his way to welcoming in 2013.
  • 北国的爵爷和友国的Ngai在路上偶遇并解救了被强盗抢劫的Jantpa小姐,爵爷和Ngai少同时爱上了Jantpa小姐,三人也由此产生了爱情纠葛。而Jantpa心属爵爷,不久后两人也喜结连理,小姐成为清康的夫人。Manpa是爵爷曾经的相好,也是一位传统舞姬,同时也曾和Ngai有过一段关系。因对爵爷爱而不得对爵爷下蛊,以至于爵爷又回头爱上了Manpa,抛弃…
  • 埃塞俄比亚 14岁女孩Hirut放学回家途中被骑马持械的团队绑架。Hirut英勇反抗,夺下步枪并打伤了一人。然而伤者却是Hirut的未婚夫,原来这伙人是依传统习俗来绑架Hirut去举行婚礼的。事故后,来自大城市的年轻律师Ashenafi将为Hirut的自卫行为辩护……《Difret》由埃塞俄比亚和美国合拍,好莱坞女星安吉丽娜·朱莉担任执行制片人。本片首映于 2…
  • Şevkat Yerimdar, Balat’ta yumurtacı dükkanı işleten genç bir adamdır. Çarşıda ve mahallesinde sevilen Şevkat Yerimdar, dürüstlüğü, yardımseverliği, gözükaralığı, hazırcevaplığı ve en önemlisi hiç öfke kontrolü olmayışıyla tanına…
  • 1975年2月、南ベトナム--。日本人商社員・杉本俊夫は、テト(旧正月)でにぎわうサイゴンの町で、祖国を遠く離れた勝手気ままな生活を思う存分楽しんでいた。だが、ある日、杉本は殺人事件を起こしてしまった。ふとした偶然から、現地雇いのベトナム人・フンを殺してしまったのだ。金と力にまかせて自由気ままに他国で振るまっていたこの一人の日…
  • 《幽灵新娘》是一部情感恐怖片,故事讲的是Jason一位在新西兰长大的华人,所谓香蕉人,在追求自己的理想还是听从父母的命令之间挣扎,Jason能否摆脱媒人给介绍的神秘女幽灵美龄做妻子,最终得以和他的真爱新西兰女孩天空结婚?抑或成为媒人的殉葬品?
  • The last thread of the Great tradition of Indian Classical Music, Pandit Shivshankar Shastri, is worried about whom to shoulder the responsibility - It's the quest of a great musical mind to find his prodigy! Through his riyaz of life time, he has come to the very core of the musical God - Param shiva. He's the embodim…