- Led by an incompetent Lieutenant, a troop of soldiers is on the Tomahawk Trail in Apache territory. When he lets the Indians steal their horses and gets slightly wounded in a skirmish, Sergeant McCoy takes over command. McCoy sucessfully gets them to the fort only to find all the soldiers have meen murdered by the Apac…
- Thomas獲肥控制員派到藍山石礦場工作,發現陌生的小火車Luke躲在山上的洞穴,Luke告訴Thomas一個驚人秘密:原來他初到索多島那天因搶先上岸,竟使同行的黃色火車掉進海裡,凶多吉少!Luke害怕被逐出索多島,於是一直躲藏起來。為了助新朋友重獲自由,Thomas決定要查明這宗古怪事件…