- 德国影史具有开创性的粉红外衣的女性性教育经典。影片将家长委员会针对校方是否开除与司机发生性关系的女孩开除的决策讨论作为框架情节,搬演了与会心理学家援引的诸多校园女性的性禁忌案例,展现当代青年对性问题的独立态度、家庭代际冲突和甚至过度的“性别平等”思想的负面效应,同时穿插相关科学专访与慕尼黑街头采访。影片涉及的大胆案例包…
- Time is fluid in this far-fetched, whimsical western tale of music and love. Somewhere in the future past, The Man In the Black Hat hides out between heists at an old stagecoach stop with Jail Time, the Particle Kid, and an odd band of outlaws. Mining the detritus of past civilizations, they wait… for the Silver Eagle,…