搜索 Elica

  • 本片根据美国70年代初起令堪萨斯州人心惶惶的连环杀手“BTK”的真人事件改编,现年60岁的凶手雷德(Dennis Rader)曾任城市法规督导员和教会高层,有妻儿。当他俨如学者讲学般叙述怎样“钓上”受害人,然后开枪、刺插或扼死他们时,令闻者不寒而栗。其间,他曾大胆在杀人后报警,挑衅警方.。
  • A white hunter in South America falls in love with a native girl and must save her from becoming a virgin sacrifice.
  • 20世纪30年代末,世界局势动荡不安,南美洲的巴西也处在风雨飘摇的前夕。十几岁的俊美少年雨果(Marcelo Ribeiro 饰)随着祖母薇薇从乡下来到首都,因为生计困难,祖母将雨果推给了他的生身母亲安娜(Vera Fischer 饰)。安娜美丽性感,是政客奥萨马博士(Tarcísio Meira 饰)的情人,她和另一个美丽的女子劳拉(Íris Bruzzi 饰)…
  • Ambar is a trip that goes beyond the certainties of reality to reveal an astounding world governed only by imagination. When a famous hunter and his young apprentice go on an expedition looking for the mythical world of Bogonsor, a place that promises riches as well as fearsome dangers, they start the adventure that wi…
  • Shot in vivid color and set to the drone of a psychedelic sitar, Passport To Pleasure is a vintage '70s Adults Only feature that takes you behind the closed bedrooms doors of the most adventuresome, shaggy-haired, mod practitioners of free love!Globe trot to the most exotic and erotic hot spots in the world in this tri…
  • 其实秘鲁在电影初期并没有本土导演出现,秘鲁电影真正的发展是开始于上世纪六十年代。这部影片的导演其实是智利人,起初一直在本国拍片,后来才去了秘鲁和哥伦比亚,这是他在利马拍的第二部影片。
  • 电影剧情
  • Difficult tale of a poor, struggling South Carolina mother and daughter who each face painful choices with resolve and pride. Tired Anney and her daughter Bone grow both closer and farther apart as Anney sees Glen as her last chance despite his mistreatment of Bone.