搜索 Elisabet

  • Inuk是一个生活这格林兰岛北部的一个16岁的男孩,他的父母亲经常酗酒,他的梦想和现实相差太多,于是他决定离开家。他到了格林兰岛的南部,被一个老师收养,在他的身上他学会了更多的知识,变得很有智慧,但同时他自己的内心也在慢慢发生变化,他不愿意主动接受其他人的关心…
  • 汤姆森家一家四口,包括家长汤姆、妻子索菲和两个女儿杰丝、凯蒂。这一家人是个标准的古怪家族。一天,他们邀请陌生人共进晚餐,后者却死在了餐桌上。他们成了杀人疑犯。六个月之后,熟悉这一家人的蒂姆·塔纳卡在心理医生埃里克·塞克斯面前透露了这一家人的秘密,没想到后者却丝毫没有保守秘密的职业道德。很快,汤姆森一家人在报纸上出了名并…
  • 电影喜剧
  • S13E21-26Two alien seed pods are found buried in the Antarctic permafrost and the Doctor realises that they are from a Krynoid, a form of plant life that infects and transforms all animal life on planets upon which it becomes established.One of the pods infects a scientist at an Antarctic base but the developing Krynoi…
  • 电影恐怖
  • A woman and her sister begin to link a mysterious tunnel to a series of disappearances, including that of her own husband.
  • 两名在巴黎没有“sou”的美国人被一名古董商雇用在地下室为他钉钉子。
  • Nach den Morden an dem Drogenfahnder Ronald Malik und dem Gymnasiallehrer Rickard Mollberger hat Van Veeteren noch immer keine konkrete Spur. Die Ermittlungen sind kompliziert, denn zum Kreis der möglichen weiteren Opfer zählen insgesamt 27 Männer, die vor 30 Jahren gemeinsam den Militärdienst absolvierten.Zwei von ihn…
  • An epic struggle between wise powerful wizard Zorak along with his mighty sidekick Zeist (played by the most underrated magnificent actor Robert Z'dar) who want to make the world a better place, and on the other side four evil and pretty dumb children who are way too young to kill but they do it fiercly commanded by a …
  • Three college girls out of a group on a tour decide against advice to detour for a weekend at a relative's posh villa. While on their private beach they are accosted by three young men. Since two of them Pier Luigi (Cantafora) and Bruno (Prete) are good-looking the girls unwisely invite them to stay for the weekend. It…