搜索 Elish

  • 挚爱的母亲因肺癌过世后,Jazz(MoniqueCameron饰)便不顾父亲的反对,抛弃原本的医职和美好前程,决心要成为一名人气歌手,她加入由充满魅力的理发师Gabe和顶尖绕舌歌手组成的乐团,意外受到欢迎而快速崛起,一连串的事件让Jazz体认到名气所带来的压力,而成名代价更远超过她的想像......
  • When the spoiled 13 years old Nicole is expelled from school for the third time, her super rich daddy has her brought home in his private 727. However in a storm the airplane gets damaged and the pilots and personnel are are knocked out by loss of oxygen. So it's up to Nicole to fight for their lives. Her only help is …
  • A group of savvy-minded siblings take an unusual approach to family togetherness in the wholesome Canadian comedy WHO GETS THE HOUSE? Fearing the imminent divorce of their parents Rebecca (Sophie Lorain) and Don (Carl Marotte), brother and sister Brian (Ricky Mabe) and Emily Reece (Elisha Cuthbert, 24, THE GIRL NEXT DO…
  • 苏珊娜的母亲去世了,这让小姑娘在很长一段时间里都陷入了郁郁寡欢的情绪之中。一次偶然中,苏珊娜在电梯里捡到了一把样子奇怪的钥匙,实际上,这把钥匙属于一名物理学家,拥有着非常强大的力量。一天,苏珊娜所搭乘的电梯出了点故障,鬼使神差之下,苏珊娜将钥匙插进了锁孔之中,在输入了1881四个数字之后,电梯恢复了正常。当苏珊娜走出电梯时…
  • 亨利(Henry Lefay)是一名推销员,在一次跳伞探险中失踪,人们都认为他死了,他的女儿回到家里为父亲办理后事,结果发现父亲的现任妻子和6个前妻正为“谁负责下葬、谁是他生前最爱的女人”而闹得不可开交。同时亨利有可能还活着的消息让本已混乱不堪的局面更加复杂。
  • Christina Aguilera: Stripped live in Wembley Arena 2003. Channel4