- If you've ever longed for a movie about wrestling women who take on various monsters, this is it! Xochitl, the mummy, can turn into a snake or a bat, which is difficult to get half-Nelsons on. Loreita, the Golden Ruby, joins her sister to battle the evil Prince Fugiyata and her Oriental female wrestlers. The mummy is a…
- 一个处于完全道德堕落状态的上流社会家庭,父亲事一个酒鬼,一个完全脱离现实的人,幻想着有一个模范幸福家庭生活;她的母亲玛莎,甚至比她的父亲更不平衡,也生活在饮酒浇愁和愧疚中;女儿玛丽娜为她的父母报仇……