搜索 Eliza

  • A disturbed loner teen has to be sent to a halfway house for disturbed teens after a young child whom he was supposed to be watching dies after playing hide and seek by hiding inside a refrigerator.
  • Just about to leave school with everything going for her, Angie falls pregnant. Left to raise her child with only her grandmother, her life isn't exactly as she planned.
  • Two women find themselves in a dark dungeon tormented by distant memories of the horrific legend of Countess Elizabeth Bathory and looming feelings of sinister forces as they struggle to find an escape.
  • 波兰登山家伊丽莎·库巴斯卡(Eliza Kubarska)和大卫·卡兹利考斯基(David Kaszlikowski),开始了一段到格陵兰南岛峡湾的孤独旅程,目的地是世界最高的海崖。垂直的崖壁只能通过一种方式抵达——划着皮划艇通过一片可怕的、风暴肆虐的海域(水温低至0摄氏度,如果在这片区域翻船也即意味着数分钟内体温骤降死亡),然后他们将独自在1500…
  • A mile off the coast of the channel island of Alderney lies a shipwreck that could rewrite English naval history. Presenter Saul David joins a team of divers and experts as they attempt to find and raise the ship's four-hundred-year-old cannons. By recasting and firing them, they hope to demonstrate how Elizabeth I bec…
  • 一位美国华裔舞者无意中发现母亲患病的实情,带着对母亲的爱,寻得自己内心的力量故事。   安妮和中国移民母亲一起生活在洛杉矶。安妮是个有潜质的现代舞者,但她始终无法将情感注入她的舞步。当母亲意外住院后,她不得不担负起家里干洗店生意的生计。几经挣扎,她终于领悟到自己舞步中缺失的是一份内心的坚强。但当母亲的健康状况日益衰退,…
  • 英国版的king of Jackass ,基于MTV欧洲的电视剧集 Dirty Sanchez ,一群人无耻的穿着兔子装到处在公共场合恶搞。The Welsh nutters, Dirty Sanchez are making a movie: The concept of the film is that the Devil has heard about the dare-devil nature of the Sanchez boys…
  • Propelled by Elizabeth Streb's edict that "anything too safe is not action," the STREB company challenges the assumptions of art, injury, gender, aging, and human possibility. Revealing the passions behind the STREB dancers' bruises and broken noses, BORN TO FLY: Elizabeth Streb vs. Gravity inspires audiences…
  • 富丘镇位于美国密苏里州,人口1396,这里很容易被来往于公路间的车辆所忽略。影片聚焦三名富丘镇男孩,尽管小镇与世隔绝,但他们的生活与同龄人并无不同,他们渴望幸福美满的家庭生活,在童年与青春期之间缓慢而剧烈的过渡着。v
  • 电影恐怖