- Set in 1989, Jake (Harmon), an out-of-work photojournalist who struggles with addiction and a troubled past, takes a job as watchman of a wilderness lodge on a remote island in the Pacific Northwest, alongside veteran handyman Sparky (Granger). Jake sets up a darkroom to develop the photos he shoots, which begin to rev…
- Sergeant Voight tries to find out who is behind the murder of Jin, and come up with the unbelievable discovery and learned that Sergeant Edwin Stillwell playing a double game with the intention of getting out on the surface of the big fish along with Voight. In the meantime, all members of the intelligence departments …
- 一群男女来到五百年前的城堡观光,接着三个人离奇失踪,剩下的人发现城堡的机关能通往一个迷宫密道,然后他们下去搜寻,却一个挨一个死去,而城堡的伯爵似乎有所秘密隐藏,于是他们开始互相猜忌,到底是狼人的诅咒还是人为。