搜索 Elke

  • Danny is a long-term insomniac. He comes across an ad for the Audible Lucid Perceptions sleep clinic, run by the peculiar Dr. Zovnig, and goes in for a consultation. The doctor gives him a small audio device, which generates brain-frequency-altering audio waves, intended to hypnotize Danny into a dream state. Upon the …
  • 年轻就是任性、任性就是自由、自由就是激情。二十出头,正值探索自我的黄金时期,处处摸、处处索,摸索人生,尽情体验。初到圣保罗的伊拉斯,日间在制衣工场打工,夜间就脱掉衣服处处吻。他爱衣服,更爱脱衣服,一夜情人,到处都是。工作困得住他的人,却锁不住他那颗向往自由的心。随着工场的工作日渐繁忙,老板又劝喻他必须公私分明,令他的私…
  • 电影动作
  • O cantor Sidney Magal decide fazer um show para angariar fundos e pagar a hipoteca da esola onde estudou na infância, que está prestes a ser demolida para dar lugar a uma fábrica. No mesmo terreno do colégio, mora um grupo de ciganos, dos …
  • Elke Baurs' documentary MPS - Jazzin' the Black Forest is an affectionate portrait of the MPS label and its founder Hans Georg Brunner-Schwer who died tragically in a car crash two years ago. The Label MPS (Musik Produktion Schwarzwald) is known as the German "Blue Note." From the label's beginnings in the ea…
  • 离婚的父亲带着他8岁的女儿Lea,但这更像每两周见一次女儿。一段时间后,Lea无法自拔地感到生活不对劲,于是展开了一场命运的旅程……
  • Marianne和她的男朋友私奔到Liebesnest酒店,在得到她后没有付房钱就甩了她,她不想回家就在酒店找了一份女服务员的工作,其中包括向客人提供性服务,但需额外收费。一名女猫窃贼每晚潜入Liebesnest,每当她被抓到时,都会与抓住她的人发生关系,过后他们才会安静的放她走。她的父亲发现了她在酒店工作的事情,酒店为她的父亲安排了一位妓女并以…
  • Scoop-Doo and the gang investigates the mystery of a chain of jewel robbery's exclusively reported that the robberies where maid by werewolves. The team decides in going undercover as circus performers in order to catch the one/s responsible.