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  • While Nostalgia Critic continues to blame himself for Ma-Ti's death, a series of mysterious events begin to unfold which could shake the very fabric of internet critics as we know it.
  • 电影
  • Seven years ago director Sheldon Wilson set out to tell a story involving crooked cops, a mafia Godfather, murder, a public poisoning, Elvis Presley, prison gang leaders and a cocaine-addicted newspaper editor who printed it all. As it turns out, this was just the beginning of the story. ONCE UPON A CRIME: The Borrelli…
  • The Nostalgia Critic and his fellow reviewers from the website That Guy with the Glasses dress up as famous fantasy characters and go searching for a magic gauntlet hidden in suburban Illinois.
  • A man is left alone with his daughter who can't speak due to a past trauma.
  • When Igor was young, he lost his father because of his little sister. He will grow up trying to find his own way of giving a new face to his past.
  • 电影
  • 巴黎街头绿衣侦察兵正在查探敌情,不料城市上空风云变色,一架UFO惊现法国首都,这位天外来客不由分说化身拆迁大队,一路拆完凯旋门又直奔巴黎铁塔,市民见状皆作鸟兽乱散,昔日的繁华顷刻间化作瓦砾,地球军民殊死反抗却不能伤及对方分毫,或许人类文明难逃此劫……突然间,巨型橡皮糖从天而降,气氛变得更加怪异滑稽……