搜索 Ells

  • 此片主要探讨Joe Swanberg另一个热衷的主题:现代科技带来的新鲜沟通模式。电影以大特写交叉呈现几位年轻男生的日常生活,看他们拿着电话倾谈和发短信,在互联网上发电邮和用即时聊天工具对话,整天对这电脑迷头昏脑,身旁的女友被冷落,那些不懂电脑的人简直要被歧视,片中又加插了多段以各种古怪人声拼贴和looping制成的短曲,在惹笑之余也像…
  • A film about iconic Swedish indie pop band Broder Daniel as they reunite during the summer 2008 before their last ever performance as a group. A concert held in honor of guitarist Anders who committed suicide earlier this year. It is a performance, and a portrait and a last goodbye from a band with more unconditional w…
  • 1969年秋天,一场变革的风波席卷美国。但在弗吉尼亚偏远山区的一个农场,罪恶的风暴已酝酿多年。几个搭便车的年轻人即将进入这场恶梦,恐怖的秘密等待着他们......
  • 电影
  • Una década atrás, el arqueólogo norteamericano Johan Reinhard, acompanado por colegas argentinos y peruanos, descubrió un sitio sagrado a más de un metro y medio de profundidad en el Cerro Llullaillaco. Debajo del hielo y las rocas había…
  • 小学女教师Kayla King一直觉得自己的爱情事业还算顺利,可是仓促的结婚后,就感觉自己在丈夫心目中不那么重要了,而且变得拘束,不自由.她发誓要弄清楚到底为什么男人可以来来去去由得自己.弄清楚男人到底在想什么.
  • Mina is a young woman wed to Hollywood pharmaceuticals mogul Jonathan Harker. Mina wants to start a family, but is shackled by her man/woman husband. Mina soon meets Countess Dracula who gets her a shot in the arm. Soon Mina's a vampire herself, until her sister, who's intent on stalking and killing Dracula, threatens …