搜索 Elva

  • A filmed essay about the painter Bouts.
  • 剧情简介:以细腻而敏锐的手法描写了一个孩子在面对失去的痛苦时艰难的心理。几位小演员的表演非常令人印象深刻。参展记录:波兰Cracow国际短片展
  • Fabulous dreamlike movie.The drama of in-communicability as never before,and never after.A couple ,Montand and Aimée, feels that their love is becoming a thing of the past.He is a linguistics professor,he reigns over words and culture;she …
  • 对某些人来说,足球的灵魂已经失落。对失败的担忧,使他们对这项美丽运动的梦想蒙上了阴影。但仍然有一个地方,技巧、快乐、感情和荣耀主宰着那里。电影《上帝之城》(Cidade de Deus)的原创人员拍了这一部纪录片,叙述了巴西最美丽的运动。拍摄此部影片:从里约热内卢到圣保罗,又到了亚马逊地带,然后再回到起点。跟随七位年轻的足球运动员以…
  • 83岁的Konraad写信给亲戚说他想结束自己的生命,而此时他唯一的女儿Maria却拒绝讨论父亲最后的愿望,甚至打算把他送进养老院。同时 Maria两个已成年的女儿也有自己的问题:Sabine的婚姻出现了危机,她的大女儿Haas又非常顽皮;Eva刚刚从堕胎手术中恢复,还在接受治疗。 Maria的丈夫Ernst则是唯一愿意帮助Konraad的人,他决定帮助岳父完成…
  • A man kills his wife on their wedding night, after discovering she had been unfaithful. After being acquitted, he moves to the country, where he falls in love with an innocent girl.
  • Después de algún tiempo sin verse, tres hermanas se renúen de nuevo en torno a la madre que acaba de morir.Al descubrir que su padre, Adela,quiere que sus cenizas se dividen en tres partes que cada una de ellas vaya a parar a manos de tre…
  • After nearly fifteen years behind bars, lefty revolutionary Bruno (Belvaux) escapes and heads back to Grenoble, France. His plan? Settle some old scores, hook up with his foxy ex-lover (Frot), and avoid the cop on his tail (Melki). An unexpected event, however, brings cop and crook closer than they ever could have expe…
  • 电影