搜索 Elvi

  • Elvis left a legacy: the music, the dream and the legend. The world wide "league" of Elvis Tribute Artists come together to explain how they do it and what's the reasons that drives them to keep Elvis alive and to continue the legend.
  • The Keepers is a verite portrait of the personalities and work of zookeepers from Memphis Zoo. It explores a subculture that reveals what it means to find a place for yourself, working a job that you love.
  • Songs for Alexis is a classic coming of age love story about two passionate teenagers stuck in American suburbia.18-year-old Ryan is a talented musician and transgender, and began his transition from girl to boy 4 years earlier. He is wildly in love with the beautiful and enigmatic 16-year-old Alexis, but her parents' …
  • The film revolves around the Yamaguchi family home. The wife Chieko is only concerned with a comfortable and luxurious life. The most important things in her life are diamonds and common sense. The husband Eiji sacrifices everything including friendship to provide for his family. The elder daughter Yuri is focused on h…
  • 电影喜剧
    这年头,爱异性不见得比爱同性容易。贺汤姆是知名的髮型设计师,也是有名的同性恋,常常抛头露面为了同志权益发声。然而彷彿背负的同志幸福代言人责任的他,却在某天爱上了异性。当社会上已经为他贴上爱男人的标籤,而他也觉得自己应该爱男人的时刻,他的心又该何去何从?\r\n  故事从贺汤姆贩卖髮型用品开始,他的投资人要求他得开发女性商品…
  • 一位母亲和三个女儿,以往在父亲性虐下生活。这过往的创伤驱使了他们如今充满血腥和复仇的生活。她们一家四口经营着一家成名的煲仔咖喱饭餐馆。但黑夜一旦降临,餐馆生意就演变成对所有丑恶的男人执行血腥报复的烹饪馆。在这四个女人继续烹调“秘方”和勾引男人到她们的屠宰场之际,她们同时也面对着对手厨师(陈浩然)的拷问。除了得应付厨师派…
  • Şevkat Yerimdar, Balat’ta yumurtacı dükkanı işleten genç bir adamdır. Çarşıda ve mahallesinde sevilen Şevkat Yerimdar, dürüstlüğü, yardımseverliği, gözükaralığı, hazırcevaplığı ve en önemlisi hiç öfke kontrolü olmayışıyla tanına…