- 诸天万界第一神祇高冷道尊,穿越时间线收服未来必定会成为诸天大佬的少女们为徒,并带领她们开启改变诸天万界走向覆灭的冒险旅程,前路艰险,困难重重,她们是否能成功通过考验,建立全新的世界?
- A mother moves into an old family home to undergo a rigorous treatment that she hopes will help her autistic daughter communicate. The therapy seems successful when the girl miraculously begins to speak. However, she soon discovers that her daughter has come into contact with the tortured entities of the place, who ret…
- 在纳里尼奥安第斯山脉的中心地带,埃尔孔塔德罗的旧纺织厂已成为废墟。通过年轻时曾在那里工作的埃斯特拉(Estela)的回忆,我们看到了工厂的早期时光、她与同事的友情以及她在传统关加编织中的学徒经历。影片重新审视了这次失败的现代化尝试的余响,以及这门手艺脆弱的存续。