- 下ネタ限定のコント師は、この現代日本に存在した……! 地下芸人界のロマネコンティが永い雌伏の時を終え『お笑い裏DVD』を解禁!! 声に出して彼女に読み聞かせたい日本のエロコント名作100選の中から珠玉の6作品を収録。さらに名作コントを完全ドラマ化した『テロ対策特別捜査官 横須賀歌磨呂』を2バージョン収録! 果たして、お笑いDVD史始ま…
- Ryan discovers his friend Brent is the father of one of his girlfriends twins babies and that he date raped her at a party over the summer. With college around the corner he will stop at nothing to clear his name.
- Six zombie hunting teams compete to be known as the world's greatest zombie killers in Chip & Bernie's Zomance. Pre-Apocalypse exterminators, Chip & Bernie, are best friends that have an unorthodox way of killing zombies with their often crazy and hilarious antics. Their friendship is tested as the contest continues an…