- 一场暴风雨过后,海岸巡逻队队员杰西卡在沙滩上发现两具潜水者的尸体。不久,某个协会主席也被谋杀。官方宣布三起命案合并调查,因为他们他们都与十九世纪二十年代的一艘沉船有着千丝万缕的联系。
- The downfall of the aristocratic Miss Julie, a misfit in her society. Miss Julie has power over Jean because she is upper-class. Jean has power over Miss Julie because he is a male and uninhibited by aristocratic values. On a Midsummer Eve night, behavior between Miss Julie and Jean which was previously a flirtatious c…
- Melvyn Bragg explores the dramatic story of William Tyndale and his mission to translate the Bible into English. Melvyn reveals the story of a man whose life and legacy have been hidden from history but whose impact on Christianity in Britain and on the English language endures today. His radical translation of the Bib…