- Big Brother 14, also known as Big Brother 2013 and Big Brother: Secrets and Lies, is the fourteenth series of the British reality television series Big Brother. It launched on 13 June 2013 in two parts, with the second part on 14 June, on Channel 5 and 5* as part of a new two-year contract with Endemol, which secured t…
- Sarah Devereaux, an up and coming lawyer for the Public Prosecutor's Office, was assigned to bring down one of the most notorious and ruthless gangland figures in the country, Charlie Mehigan. Compiling a dossier on him and his equally ruthless wife Helen, she found that she could only send Helen to prison, in the hope…
- 在洛杉矶,一群爱好探险的组织为了寻找到海底深处的奥秘,自发组织专业的团队开启自己的深海之旅。原本只想获得海底的相关数据,可是没有想到在潜水艇入海后发生了撞击。更加出乎意料的还在后面,这个撞击导致了海底地震的爆发,进而造成海啸袭击洛杉矶。一场前所未有的海啸与地震席卷了洛杉矶,人们的生命陷入危机中……