- Frost crafts a fizzy, upbeat ode to the now 92-year-old Quant, exploring her importance as a female business pioneer, her influence on gender politics through women’s dress and her impact on a decade of fashion. Drawing on an exceptional pop cultural archive and including a glittering array of contributors, from Edward…
- 英国一度很盛行的社会写实主义风格在60年代末的延续罢了,翻拍自Ken Loach早期为BBC拍的一集电视片。 侯孝贤在访谈中提及,他选择从影是因为在当兵时看了一部英国片,译作《十字路口》的,令处在人生十字路口的他决心走电影这条路。
- Interviews with casual retro game collectors to collectors with the most expensive retro game collections in the world