- ギャングによって実の父親が惨殺された沙紀が、父の復讐を果たすため無謀な闘いに挑む。映画『ダンボールハウスガール』で主演デビューを飾り、TVドラマ、CM、ファッショ ン誌で華々しく活躍する米倉涼子主演で贈る新感覚の無国籍アクション作品。
- Tension between Cutter and Lester continues, with Claudia Brown, as ever, caught in the middle. Stephen Hart reveals his connoisseur's ability to analyse by taste exotic animal dung. A golfer is savaged on the green at a deserted country hotel. Connor is still lodging with Abby, still at arm's length even after outstay…
- Lester begins interrogating Helen Cutter in a high-tech Home Office maximum security wing, but gets nowhere; she demands that Nick be brought to her. Meanwhile Connor achieves his dream and moves in with Abby, to the amazement of his friends Tom and Duncan, who decide to put a tracker on him and thereby follow the team…
- A prehistoric aquatic creature like a huge crocodile appears in a London swimming pool, eats a life guard, then vanishes. Later a special forces diver vanishes, but then the diver's bones turn up in a flooded basement in a town some way to the south west. Nick Cutter predicts that incidents will occur at places on a st…
- Connor and Abby join forces to investigate another anomaly suspected of being in the New Forest (Hampshire/Dorset). Meanwhile gigantic bugs (beetles? spiders? ancient...) attack people on the London Underground and Professor Cutter concludes that another anomaly has opened up, to a much earlier prehistoric era --- the …