- From the translucent golden eggs of the Tibetan bearded vulture to those of the British guillemot with their Jackson Pollock-like splashes, German ornithologist Max Schönwetter (1874-1961) collected them all. He devoted his life to oology, the study of birds’ eggs. But while Schönwetter created order in his world of eg…
- In the darkness of night, a man and a woman walk in an alley sharing a cigarette. They are detectives working together. Their story is complicated: They are about to make up a scene where they arrest a criminal whom they have already caught. In fact, this time with the help of TV crews, with whom they had a secret agre…
- Andre,recoveringfromarecentaccident,agreestohelphisfriendRobertbytakingoverahousesittingjobatacreepyhomenestledinthehillsaboveLosAngeles.Asnightcomes,thehouserevealsitsinsidiousnatureasAndrebeginshearingominoussoundsandexperiencingstrangeoccurrencesthroughoutthehousethatleadhimtobelieveheisnotalone,andthatsomeone,orsom…