搜索 Ernö

  • 电影剧情
  • The second installment of the Last Chance Detectives series where we find them camping out in the desert. Finding long strands of unidentified animal hair, is it possible there is a Bigfoot out here in the desert?
  • 莱特是一只可爱的充满活力的小刺猬,她拥有自信的态度和生动的想象力,并且一直梦想着能成为无畏的英雄拯救世界。当有一天,森林里的动物醒来,发现神奇的水石失踪了,森林正面临着干旱,勇敢的刺猬莱特和胆小的松鼠栗宝自告奋勇的踏上寻找水魔法石的旅程,他们穿过了不毛之地,骗过了狡猾的狼群,终于找到了被熊王斑图偷走的神奇水石,开启了一…
  • 电影动作
  • An amnesiac man is found running blood stained and half naked through the Brecon Beacons. Hunted by the police and military, is he a homicidal terrorist or innocent pawn?
  • 电影动画
  • Abandoned in Patagonia, the alcoholic Valdivia lives off odd jobs, and mainly off petty theft. One day, while breaking into a car, he is caught by the owner. A strange relationship develops between him and the woman, a swimming instructor who also works nights in a bar. Soon, however, their affair comes to an end. Vald…
  • When the virus hit, John lost everything; his family, friends and his future. Only Michael, another survivor and his protector, kept him from giving up. Nine months later, things are looking bleak as they begin to run out of food and supplies, and are constantly assailed by an horrific threat that comes in the cover of…