- Cowboy Bebop BDBOX特典附带PV,渡边导演倾情制作!在一间普普通通的小酒馆里,操着一口字正腔圆的中国话的酒保正百无聊赖地擦着杯子,店里唯一的一名顾客趴在吧台前似睡非睡。这时忽然接连闯入了一群不速之客:会英语及法语的黑人嘻哈小子,说着俄语身材火辣的神秘亚裔女子,西装革履体格健硕的光头墨镜男。他们口中隐约提到的眼药似乎成了接下…
- "An odd duo that raises international mass hysteria and has been creating a credible sound for years now - Modeselektor seems to be a phenomenon in itself. The search for the origin of this phenomenon leads us into the depths of the biographies of two kids born and raised in East Germany, whose creativity, enthusi…
- Fabien's father must go where the work is; he is an unskilled laborer, and work isn't always nearby. Fabien (Mathias Leny) grew up mostly in the south of France, but now he must move with his father to the colder climes of the north. There, his countrified southern ways make him the subject of ridicule even by his teac…