- 斯皮尔伯格将同编剧托尼·库什纳再携手,重启宗教题材作品《埃德加多·摩尔塔拉的绑架》。马克·里朗斯也将化身教皇庇护九世。影片预计将于2017年初《玩家一号》完成后开机,档期基本锁定奥斯卡颁奖季期间。
- Her short film Oasis (2020) was awarded in the Nespresso Talents competition and screened as part of the Critics' Week at Cannes Film Festival. She was also an international jury for Nespresso Talents 2021. Her documentary based on Oasis won the Gabriel Figueroa award for production. She is currently working on the scr…
- For 40 years, police and prosecutors have weaponized Louisiana's Crime Against Nature by Solicitation (CANS) law to terrorize queer/trans Louisianians. CANS Can't Stand follows a group of Black trans women in New Orleans who are fighting to repeal that law—and advance trans liberation across the state.