搜索 Esho

  • 动漫动漫
    本来是贸易公司社畜的一宫信吾,在一觉醒来之后竟然发现自己转生来到了异世界,成为了贫穷贵族家最小的孩子威德林(榎木淳弥 配音)。虽说自己的身份是贵族,但威德林的日子却并不好过,他既无法继承领地,又不擅长使用魔法,威德林必须依靠自己的力量迅速强大起来,才能够为自己在这里挣得一份光明的前途。好不容易迎来了12岁的生日,威德林进…
  • Teenage girl finds out, through her dreams and hallucinations, that she has a rather violent and morbid past. She sets out to right the wrong but her journey will take her to hell and back.
  • An office located in the California desert has a self-imposed objective that is no less far out: narrative landscaping. The abbreviation for the office is ‘O.N.L.S.D’ which makes one of the office rules very clear: you must be on LSD. Eden…
  • Jessica and her companions Markus and Mike visit an abandoned factory. But the lost place turns out not to be that lost. Natalia Orlow and her paramilitary army try to hide a bigger secret. And they will keep anybody from leaving the facility alive.The course of events turns out to follow one evil plan of one desperate…
  • Clancy and his carnival of misfits, roll into a sleepy mid-western town for their annual Halloween festival. Some are looking for a good time. Clancy has something else on his mind.
  • Flesh of the Void is a terribly disturbing experimental horror film about what it could feel like if death truly were the most horrible thing one could ever experience. It is intended as a trip through the deepest fears of human beings, exploring its subject in a highly grotesque, violent and extreme manner.
  • A ranch foreman, rebuffed by his boss' daughter, turns the ranch into a tourist mecca. The girl leaves the ranch, but eventually she returns with her new fiancé, who she says is a rich European, and they plan to get married at the ranch. H…