搜索 Esteban

  • 自从短笛被击败500年后,一家专门从事技术和武器的公司,红缎带军团,四处收集龙球,希望恢复他的失去的力量。与此同时,布玛,一位年轻而才华横溢的工程师,开发了一种雷达,能够追踪这些龙珠,并决定去寻找它们。这时,一个有着强大力量和非凡能力的好奇男孩孙悟空加入了她的队伍。
  • 电视剧神话
    电视剧版和电影版的设定并无大的变化,讲述了一个超自然犯罪传奇。FBI和德州巡警都在缉捕Gecko兄弟,因为他们犯下的银行劫案致使多人死亡,只有逃到墨西哥才是唯一的生路。路上,他们遇到了前牧师Jacob Fuller和他的家人,将他们扣为人质。利用Fuller一家的休旅车,兄弟俩终于到达了墨西哥边境,混乱也随之而来。他们来到了一家脱衣舞俱乐部,里…
  • United by their renegade spirit and a determination to win against substantial odds, these riders take on the international circuit. The film offers unique insights into the first five years of their journey, bearing witness to the ethos of the team as embodied by all - from the strongest to most embattled members. Out…
  • 宁静祥和的校园,红色卷发男孩仓皇跑进画面中,他手足无措,钻入草丛。稍后才发现,原来他看到了自己心爱之人——一个有着黑色头发的男孩。黑发男孩左手拿着一本书在阅读,右手淡定自若抛着苹果,阳光下的他英俊帅气。红发男孩躲在树后,一脸的痴迷与神往。他不小心弄出了声响,连忙藏在树后,躁动的心则砰砰直跳。难以置信的是,他那颗痴迷的心…
  • Erwan, a strapping Breton who clears mines for a living, is shaken when he discovers that his father is not his father. Despite his affection for the man who raised him, he quietly sets out to find his biological father, and succeeds in locating Joseph, an endearing old codger he takes a liking to. Just when things loo…
  • With the observation of Gaspar, Reverie in the Meadow ponders in the painful effects of violence and extortion rampant through out several states of Mexico.
  • 电影生活
    电影讲述了主人公戴维(法布里齐奥·隆吉奥内 Fabrizio Rongione 饰)原本幸福的生活如何在一次度假中发生谋杀案后发生巨大变化。戴维成为警方怀疑的对象,而在调查的过程中,他的一系列秘密逐渐浮出水面。这导致了他在社交圈和家庭中的疏离,连同事、朋友和妻子都开始对他保持警惕。尽管戴维坚称自己是无辜的,但整个事件对他的人生产生了不可…
  • The 15th of July of 2010 was an historical day in Argentina. That day a law was approved that says that marriage is independent of the sex of the contracting parties. At the same time, a more democratic and egalitarian society was build. This is the result of the long fight of committed women and men. They lived throug…