搜索 Eugène

  • 影片聚焦法国民族女英雄圣女贞德(玛利亚·法奥康涅蒂 Maria Falconetti饰)生命的最后时刻,再现了她被出卖落入勃艮第叛军手中后,在英格兰监狱和法庭上,从受审到处死的全过程。被英格兰当局严密控制的天主教会,指控贞德为异端和女巫。法庭上,法官更伪造证据,以信仰问题不断对她施以精神上和肉体上的折磨。面对惨无人道的酷刑与子虚乌有的…
  • The middle-class family of a young woman cannot understand why she delays in marrying a respectable young man. They know nothing about her long-standing affair with a Frenchman.
  • 年轻的黑人女导演尤占·帕尔西执导的影片,获威尼斯影展最佳影片银狮奖,是一部真正具有诚意探讨黑人苦难和寻求解决办法的作品。其背景设在一九三十年代的法属殖民地马提尼克岛,岛上的黑人大多居住陋街,仅靠给法国人作苦工赚取微薄的生活费。故事刚展开时,情节性相当淡薄,直至小约瑟专心听老人沉痛地讲述黑人被贩买为奴的历史时,本片的使命…
  • 米歇尔(瑞奈·列费夫尔 René Lefèvre 饰)是一位穷困潦倒的画家,他不仅身无分文,还背负着累累的债务。正当债主们追得米歇尔走投无路之时,他惊讶的发现,自己在无意之中购买的一张彩票竟然中了价值百万的大奖,那么问题就来了,米歇尔将那张彩票放在了夹克的衣兜里,而那件夹克则在女友比阿特丽斯(安娜贝拉 Annabella 饰)的手上。不幸…
  • 当理奇发圣诞礼物给孤儿院,院童出了意外后、他难过的希望自己未出生过,金宾博士的许愿机实现了这个愿望!现在理奇身处的小镇却不再是他熟悉的样子,更糟的是没人认识他。 他必须在期限内回到原来的世界,才能重过以前的快乐生活,并阻止他脾气暴躁的表哥,破坏普世欢腾的圣诞节。
  • Three performers for six roles: this is the game of the film. A melodrama about two love triangles. In the first, Hagalin is killed by his mistress and her lover. In the second, attorney Lamorciere discovers her woman would like to elope with his assistant. During the trial against two murderer lovers, attorney agrees …
  • Most popular video bloggers were gathered to taste a new energy soft-drink in a mansion, which turn them into a trap. To release it, they have to answer the question correctly: Who wants to kill them?
  • All Filipino erotica movies from the past to the present have almost always taken their story premise and plot from 'Scorpio Nights', Peque Gallaga's masterpiece of poverty, love, and unquenchable libido.The movie tells the sexual adventures of Danny (Daniel Fernando), a youth who cannot seem to control his urges. Dann…
  • 肥猪Peggy从屠宰厂的车跳下后,来到了一个叫“宠物乐园”的动物整形医院。经过整形医生的改造,Peggy脱胎换骨变成了苗条的猪女郎。然而过度减肥导致她患上严重的贪食症:她陷入节食—暴食—催吐的恶性循环,无法自拔。宠物乐园又陆续来了其他渴望改变的病人:老蛇古斯塔夫想要给自己装上脚,不想当老鼠的小七剪掉了自己的尾巴......每个病房里…