搜索 Eung

  • 身手不凡的阿亮是香港大佬王先生的贴身职业保镖,一次外出活动中遭遇到了来自日本的黑帮袭击,日本黑帮老大一直窥瑜王先生的地盘,更策反了王先生的儿子来协助自己。这时阿亮接到王先生的嘱托去伦敦保护王先生的女儿克罗伊,到了那里他发现克罗伊其实是个很普通并为生活所困的餐厅服务员,在每日的保护中,渐渐地两人互相萌生爱意。但当阿亮以为…
  • An unusual fantasy love story of Wan, a girl who's born with the supernatural ability to stay underwater. While visiting Butterfly Island, Wan discovers her special ability to dive and stay under deep sea. She also meets Tan, a photographer who always helps her when she has problems, and with whom she eventually falls …
  • Kristina (Cristine Reyes), a beautiful young lady who sells fresh fruits at her province, only wants a simple life. And her father, Ronaldo (Joel Torre), manages a large hectre of Mango farm. Every weekend, Her ambitious father wants Kristina to go to the nearest beach resort and to try to sell fresh fruits. He hopes t…
  • Living In The DarkBy Thomas Leung5'Australia2005BetaColourA young man remembers a childhood with a blind father and his own temporary sightlessness.AwardsAtom Awards, Australia, 2006 - Best Tertia... (more)Living In The DarkBy Thomas Leung5'Australia2005BetaColourA young man remembers a childhood with a blind father an…
  • 电影动作
    香港商界头面人物何森,以做生意为幌子,借内地某厂优质免检化工产品出口之机,不断将从我国西南边境贩来的毒品偷运进港。为彻底捣毁这个国际贩毒集团,香港警署派韦南、李彤来内地协助破案。何森与毒贩尹大华密谋,让走私匪徒化装成我边民,兵分两路声东击西偷运毒品入境。另一面,韦南、李彤遇到了重重困难,先后受伤。  通过媒体的报道,何…
  • 电影动作