- 本部纪录片是BBC地平线系列推出的一档揭秘人类独特能力“记忆”的纪录片。如果你认为这种在我们日常生活中习以为常的能力,生来就是为了帮你记住东西的话,那么你就大错特错了。的确,记忆保存了生活的每一个细节,它塑造了属于个体独有的身份标示。然而这种本应在你的生命历程中,最值得称道和得以开发的能力,却被关注的程度最少。在本期《地…
- Ulysses Lee Gooch's parents were laborers on a large southern farm in the early 1920's, and it was the farmstead owner's family who named him. He later acquired the nickname, "Rip". Early on, Rip and his mother lived with a relative in an area next to the Mississippi River referred to as, "the bottom&quo…
- 本片是基于英国著名演员Colin Firth于2000年发表的短篇小说"Department of Nothing"改编而成。Plot:For Henry - an eleven year old boy, isolated and friendless - his granny's stories are the only thing that get him through the day. But when she suff…