搜索 Evenson

  • 日本少女朋子(Hiroe Takei 饰)怀着成为潜水员的梦想来到伦敦,但是人生地不熟加上语言不通,使朋子的英国之旅遇到许多困难。她好不容易找到一间古旧的公寓,冰冷湿滑的伦敦街道还一时无法适应,朋子只得在房间内穿上泳衣,听着英语学习磁带打法无聊的时光。次日,她走出公寓,来到潜水员训练馆,惊慌失措间她无意中滑到,头部撞倒泳池边缘,人…
  • Charles Silvercloud III is about to die. On his 25th birthday he will meet his destiny at the business end of a milk truck, just like his father and his grandfather before him. With his birthday only eight days away, Charlie has rather a lot to do: buy a casket, make funeral arrangements, quit his job and meet his make…
  • Promise the Moon has the classic ingredients for a family-friendly western: Beautiful landscapes, attractive actors, cows, conflict. Trouble is, we amble through the many plot threads at a slow walk instead of a smart trot, leaving no time for satisfying resolution of any of them (especially the romantic one) before th…
  • 一份遗失了几百年的文件的非凡传奇,本可以改变历史的进程。   The extraordinary saga of a document lost for hundreds of years, that could have changed the course of history.
  • Made by BBC films unit, Tomorrow La Scala! tells the story of a professional opera group who put on a performance of Sweeny Todd inside a maximum security prison, using a group of the inmates as players in the production. The film is a light comedy drama done with a degree of nostalgia and whimsy.
  • 珍妮對大學老師賈斯汀非常愛慕,對他作出各種挑逗,終於他們發生了性關係…。珍妮在街上被警察發現,身上的傷痕引起懷疑與追查,演變成起訴賈斯汀的強姦案。在父親的影響下,珍妮作出不利供詞,使得賈斯汀被判有罪。回去的珍妮突然醒悟到真相,強姦與外傷原來都是變態的父親所為…
  • 电影恐怖
    1999年,澳洲布鲁姆。澳洲男青年班恩(内森·菲利普斯 Nathan Phillips 饰)与两名英国女孩克莉斯(凯斯蒂·莫拉希 Kestie Morassi 饰)和莉兹(卡桑德拉·玛格拉斯 Cassandra Magrath 饰)驱车前往狼溪国家公园游玩。经过两天的旅程,汽车穿过荒凉的澳洲无人区终于到达了目的地。巨大的陨石坑带给三人的喜悦转瞬即逝,当三人想驾车返回时却发现…
  • A defense attorney wife and her prosecutor husband square off in court over a murder case in which four young boys are accused.
  • 克里夫和查克一起从狱中释放回到社会,克里夫已经金盆洗手,此时他只想过上正常人的普通生活,但他无法抵挡查克的诱惑又重新回到犯罪团伙中,当他赚够了让弟弟结婚和买仓库做生意的钱后他这次打算永远从黑帮中隐退,但又一次他为了解救困境中的查克时,让他走上了不归路。