- 于一个从未迎接过光明的地方AG(阿帕葛兰多,即琥珀之地),无论是首都还是人工太阳无法照射到的危险土地,都有着冒险替人们递送信件的邮差。人们称这些时刻赌上自己的性命,排除万难,把寄托着人的“心”的信安全运送的邮差为“信蜂”。 四面环海的GA国是由三个区域组成了严谨的阶级系统,拥有人工太阳是首都“晓”,是上层阶级特定人群的高级…
- This is a story of karma and her revenge on two brothers, one is forever tied to the streets and the other one sees the bigger picture of what life can be. They are trapped by a life of crime and their own egos. One brother tries to save them before it's too late. Because he knows Karma is always looking for payback!
- A prospective wish is announced at the very beginning: “Imagine a land without ownership”. Ownership? Since when? How? Where? With which implications? This is what Marwa Arsanios endeavours to discover in the fourth part of her meticulous …
- Saladin K. Patterson负责剧本的未命名多镜头喜剧项目改编自牧师Touré及Sarah Roberts的现实经历,剧中讲述Omari(Leslie Odom Jr.饰演)及Hope在主持教会的同时,还得应付家中四个孩子。