- In this direct sequel to the 1992 Todd Jason Cook cult classic, a tormented teenage boy comes into contact with the clown-faced murderer known as Jimmy Fisher in order to exact revenge upon his wrong-doers on Halloween night.
- Depressed musician Gus and girlfriend Fiona must return to the home of his childhood, where the gruesome murder of his father took place. Soon after arriving they discover that even more sinister disturbances lurking in the shadows at this mysterious house on an island.
- DJs have a gift of listening to the best of their communities and then presenting that back to them. When live local voices are told to shut up and play the play-list, it ends an age-old symbiotic relationship between radio and the community. This hurts emerging bands, small charities and even the emergence of new idea…
- Tasked with packing up the belongings of a deceased grandmother, two friends venture to a house nestled deep in the woods where strange noises, lights in the forest, and mysterious locals plague the pair.