搜索 Evon

  • 电影科幻
  • 殺手麥可的生活很簡單,白天為組織工作,偶爾殺殺人解決麻煩事,空檔時去看看他那哈佛畢業,卻淪為毒蟲的老弟,晚上則與心愛的女友艾瑪享受甜蜜時光。某日,艾瑪的名字突然出現在刺殺名單上,逼得麥可不得不幹掉昔日工作夥伴,帶著弟弟與艾瑪跑路,但組織也派出了格雷先生出馬,究竟艾瑪做了什麼,讓組織非殺不可呢?
  • The story of four young couples drawn to the remote dunes for off-roading in their extreme machines. But the outing turns into a night of terror when they are attacked by the Catcher, a skilled and brutal hunter of human specimens for alien science.
  • Gor is trying to fly to Armenia from Moscow to search for his family stuck at the very epicentre of the earthquake. Once there, Gor rushes through what's left from the town in search of his small house. On his way, he meets various characters, each one of them with his or her personal tragedy and challenge. The locals …
  • 这部电视电影聚焦惠特尼·休斯顿短暂一生中事业生活的起落,是《美国恐怖故事》女星安吉拉·贝塞特首执导筒之作。
  • Housewife has a double life: while her husband is at work, she has sex with many men.
  • 电影
    Germany 1939. The farmer Jonathan Friedberg with the Nazis tried to makea pact to see his family again deported. 75 years later. Jennifer is ayoung psychology student, and is in a wheelchair because she had anaccident years ago. She is working on a study for the university andasked about this in a village at random peo…
  • 故事发生在20世纪30年代的加勒比岛国牙买加。在郁郁葱葱的热带雨林最中央,清晨的阳光伴着悠然传来的爵士乐,也变得充满活力起来。不过,毕竟这里是懒洋洋的安逸所在,时间在雨林中也仿佛变得分外粘稠。雨林中的豪华别墅,女主人和丈夫坐在门口乘凉。丈夫把帽子盖在脸上酣然入睡,女主人则面带忧郁,若有所思。报纸上的消息引起了她的关注,远方…
  • In Urbania, Ohio, snobby ex-football star Kevin O'Shea conducts try-outs for the town's Peewee football team, the Urbania Cowboys, which will compete for a chance at the state Peewee football playoffs. Kevin slights his younger brother Danny O'Shea by rejecting Danny's daughter Becky "Icebox" O'Shea, who is a…
  • 电影剧情