- His house was firebombed. He lost his job on the eve of the Depression. He took on powerful, entrenched interests in the scientific establishment and overcame countless obstacles to become a world-class chemist, a self-made millionaire, and a humanitarian. Yet despite his achievements, Percy Julian’s story is largely u…
- 在加密货币的多疑世界里,只有一条规则 — 不要相信任何人。因此,当加拿大最大的加密货币交易所 QuadrigaCX 的首席执行官格里·科滕离奇死亡后,他将 2.5 亿美元客户资金的密码带进了坟墓。 一群惊恐的投资者拒绝接受官方的说法。他们认为,格里的“死亡”具有“金蝉脱壳”的所有特征,即他还活着,并且已经带着他们的钱跑路了。这是一个惊…