- D大调第九号交响曲由古斯塔夫·马勒于1909年至1910年间所作,此曲连同‘大地之歌’,成为第十套由马勒创作之交响曲。由于马勒未完成第十号交响曲便已与世长辞,故此首第九号交响曲,亦是马勒生前最后完成之交响曲。本曲于1912年6月26日由维也纳爱乐管弦乐团及布鲁诺·瓦尔特带领下作首演。当时马勒已经离世,因此亦没法亲临首演。本曲同时亦是马…
- After recalling several "spinach moments", Bluto realizes that if there's no spinach, Popeye won't be able to beat him, so he creates a potion to eradicate spinach and sprays all the fields. Out of desperation, Popeye tries several other vegetables, to no avail.
- Tom Sawyer and his pal Huckleberry Finn have great adventures on the Mississippi River, pretending to be pirates, attending their own funeral and witnessing a murder.