  • 电影剧情
    康拉德(弗洛里安·大卫·菲茨 Florian David Fitz 饰)拥有一个相当顽固的父亲卡尔(亨利·哈布臣 Henry Hübchen 饰),每一次回家探亲,康拉德和妻子马塔(斯科拉·鲁特 Thekla Reuten 饰)都不得不忍受这个老头的各种脸色的刁难。而康拉德的儿子约纳斯(Marius V. Haas 饰)对自己的爷爷亦没有什么感情,他只将爷爷当成是自己的提款机而已。…
  • You‘re listening to Radio Omega - The last broadcast station far and wide“, the 45-yearold Benjamin Freytag daily proclaims via his own radio installation. Being convinced that he reaches surviving listeners in the post-apocalyptic world o…
  • Five women, five lifestyles that could not be any different: her career at an agency takes top priority for business woman Fe, even over her relationship. Charlie, a single Mom raising a three year-old daughter remains the "permanent" intern and hairdresser Mandy is a chocoholic longing to be skinny and dream…
  • NORDSTRAND tells the story of two brothers, Marten and Volker, who meet in their parents' now empty house on the coast. Older brother Marten would like to pick up together their mother from prison where she has been since the death of their violent father years ago. But Volker seems only to have come in order to sell t…
  • 一个年轻男孩将他的时间用来偷窥和描绘另一个男孩,通过绘画他营造出了一个二人世界。有时候爱只能是画出来的...
  • Deep in his thoughts and enjoying the peaceful surroundings, Tom, a gay teenager, is jolted out of his quaint and meditative park retreat by painful and homophobic words from his classmate. A few benches over, sits Charles, a man in his late forties, who witnesses the bullying. After the bullies leave, and to Tom's sur…
  • 他是一个微不足道的上班族,每天面对的是枯燥而烦闷的工作,以及霸凌欺侮员工的老板,终于,他被压抑的欲望铸造成邪恶的怪兽,高压酿造了人性的暴戾,内心的黑暗怪兽驯服了他!   本片走的是黑暗动漫的风格,压抑的题材使得整部作品基调非常灰暗,故事内涵晦涩而画面惊悚恐怖,创作者力图描绘出人性的扭曲,黑暗与丑陋,以及人心的黑暗面,诸…
  • 根据莫扎特歌剧《费加罗婚礼》《唐璜》《女人心》和卡萨诺瓦的故事改编。约翰.马尔科维奇饰卡萨诺瓦,这一角色的性质让人想起他的成名作《危险关系》中的瓦尔蒙。你可以说这是一部歌剧,但其中所有非咏叹调部分都不是用莫扎特原歌剧中的宣叙调,而是用对白的形式完成。这种将话剧和歌剧相结合的方式,是马尔科维奇近年来开始尝试的,非常新颖。…
  • 电影
    In the wild west, two brothers embark on a journey to collect a bounty in a desperate attempt to save their home: but what they find along the way is more than they bargained for.
  • 17岁的拉斐尔(Louis Gensollen 饰)暗恋着最好的死党文森(Florian Hessique 饰),文森刚和女友闹别扭分手,拉斐尔感到某种可能性出现在了他的面前。然而最后,拉斐尔始终还是一个人,任夏日的艳阳透过如茵绿树投射在他的眼眸...