搜索 FM

  • Twenty-four year old American born Alam Khan is traveling to India on his first concert tour without his ailing father, legendary Indian classical maestro sarodist Ali Akbar Khan. Alam knows that soon he will have to play and live life without his father's guidance and support. When Alam feels the weight of living up t…
  • 维也纳“三角洲俱乐部”的老板卢迪是个能言善辩、八面玲珑的人物。他以香槟和美女为诱饵,收买贿赂政府要员,为他从事非法交易搭桥铺路,为谋取暴利,他用一废弃工厂的废铜烂铁冒充炼铀设备,通过“卢柯纳”号货船运输出国,并在其到达指定地点时引爆沉船,从而诈取三千万瑞士法郎的保险金,正直勇敢的记者汉斯对卢迪的所作所为早有洞察,他不顾…
  • In Mars' ancient ruins live the Cats of Mars. One day a toy car lands. He only wants to work and work, he never wants to sleep or play. The cats think he's sad, they decide to help.
  • 当执法者深陷犯罪的谜团时,他是否想过自己将要面对的是怎样的境遇,当自己还是一个懵懂无知的嫌疑犯时,其实正义的机器已经开始了行动,目的只有一个就是要将他绳之以法,正义和法律在这一刻显示出自己强大的魅力,原来我们敬畏的永远是制度本身,其实到最后只是你想多了而已……   故事由一次肇事逃逸开始:一位地方检察官因卷入一起肇事逃…
  • A group of friends get together for a 25th birthday party at a remote house in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. After someone goes missing and the police search the premises to no avail, the remaining party goers are left to wait until morning. With virtually no cell phone reception and no land line, the situation escalates…
  • Towards the end of the second world war Dr Ludwig Guttmann, a brisk refugee from Nazi Germany, arrives at Stoke Mandeville hospital in Buckinghamshire and is appalled to find the partially paralysed spinal patients heavily sedated and left to rot with bed sores. He immediately begins a new regime,disposing of old equip…
  • Bruce Sweeney (Last Wedding) returns to the Festival with this neo-noir police procedural — set against the backdrop of economic hard times — about a failed real estate agent (Nicholas Lea, in a bravura performance) whose recent attempt to…
  • Pepik,从孩子们的男孩科达采用家庭住宅。首先,他正面临着许多挑战,但它很快就成为习惯他的新家。不幸的是,他真正的母亲决定返回。科达返回男孩的母亲,但他的不满。最后一击是他的继父时,打破了船,这是为内置Pepik先生科达维修棚,。pepik逃脱,是科达先生,带他回家,并承诺建立一个新的船。