搜索 Fabien

  • 这是四个朋友的故事,四个法国年轻人:希腊人(整骨师)、菲菲(和他的母亲住在一起,门房)、福图内(在 Cogex 工作的西印度人)和弗雷迪(豪客)。他们定期参加巴黎 PMU Le Balto。厌倦了失去他们所拥有的一点点,他们想停止玩 Turf Yes,但是,根据 turfists 的著名格言:损失之日,收益之夜,命运敲响了瓷砖!一个穿着伟大制造者服装的命运…
  • 塞西尔(Déborah Révy 饰)刚刚丧父,而她排解悲痛的方式竟然是成为性瘾者,她向男友索取无度,还当着他面勾搭他朋友;她认识了修车店男孩麦特(Gowan Didi 饰),不住挑逗他,又不和他来真的;她在渡轮上勾引了一个英国教授,带他到海边用男女错位的方式做爱……似乎她需要用男人对她欲望来证明自己的存在。麦特本来有个女朋友爱丽丝(Hel…
  • 一群恶棍绑架女孩卖淫,并将她们送往岛上的监狱,在那里每天以多种方式对她们进行羞辱和折磨,有时甚至杀害她们。有三个女孩要摧毁他们。
  • I didn't expect anything as I never read the book of Calaferte, nor I've seen any movie done by the same director. I even didn't know any actor except (surprise) the singer and former model Amina. I must say too that I am not against boring movies, I love Pasolini, Tarkovski or Kubrick, because their boring movies give…
  • Christine在去往寄宿学校的路上遇到了一些不幸。在电话里她和父亲讲述,她目睹了一家商店被打劫,而老板却正在和一个女员工发生关系。随后她被一个车站接她的计程车司机强暴了,而警察在她报案后也趁火打劫的对她猥亵….
  • When 10-year-old Sebastien's mother doesn't pick him up for a holiday from boarding school, he runs away and invades the life of his grandfather, a down-and-out violinist who didn't know the boy existed. They, in turn, invade the wedding of the violinist's ex-wife, the boy's grandmother, who sends a cute babysitter to …
  • A piece of a brand new metal has been hidden in a camera, but this one is sold by mistake ! Superspy Super 7 is called out to retrieve the camera and finds it in Cairo, where he has to fight Russian agents and dangerous women.
  • 电影爱情
  • 从前,在六八年运动以后,三个年轻人和一个不寻常的精神分析家一起……弗朗索瓦兹·多尔多对本片的评论:教育是一个社会,甚至是一个文明的基础,它使得知识、文化和思想得以传授。然而,在我们的社会中,那些对于教育感兴趣,并且寻求理论化教育原则的人们,则没有像其他的那些科学、人文科学或者哲学的研究者们那样,自然地被给予承认。本片真…