搜索 Fady

  • It's June 1944, and four Allied soldiers are writing what may be their last words to their loved ones. They face, along with 150,000 others, the most terrifying day of their lives - the invasion to liberate Europe from Nazi rule. In these letters, read by Ben Lamb, Samuel West, Seamus Morrison and Tom Rhys Harries to m…
  • Homer's tale of the great walled city of Troy was, by the 19th century, thought of as fiction. But one man, a German industrialist, followed the clues in Homer's work and uncovered the ruins of Troy and Mycenae, complete wutg fabulous treasures. A generation later, an Englishman makes a spectacular discovery of the anc…
  • John Macfadyen (The Stripes in the Tartan) (1970, 4 mins)Painted directly onto film with a march tune entitled John Macfadyen.Margaret Tait was one of Britain's most unique and individual artist filmmakers. Over the course of 46 years she produced over 30 films including one feature, Blue Black Permanent (1992) and pub…
  • 迈特(Angus Macfadyen 饰)和妻子朱莉娅(Tara Reid 饰)合力经营一家广告公司,在二人悉心打理之下,公司的业务蒸蒸日上。不过,随着日子的好转,迈特却整日愁眉不展。他怀疑妻子与他人有染,为此聘请特雷沃(Colm Meaney 饰)跟踪调查。早就想入股的特雷沃欣然同意,不久便将朱莉娅与他人会面的照片摆在迈特面前。恼羞成怒的迈特决定杀掉自己…
  • n 1992 a group of labour activists, Paul, Maggie and Irène, are dismayed by yet another Labour defeat to a Conservative Government. They each wish to support Labour in different ways. Irène works for the BBC, Paul applies for a job in the …
  • 菲利普(安古斯·麦克菲登 Angus Macfadyen 饰)一直以来都因为心中的一个秘密而备受煎熬,那就是他其实是一名同性恋者。终于,他决定再也不要躲躲藏藏的生活了,他决定将这件事情告诉自己的家人。一天,菲利普找到了自己的父亲欧文(布莱恩·考克斯 Brian Cox 饰),坦白了自己的性取向,儿子的身份和坦诚在欧文的内心里掀起了狂风巨浪。原来,…