- 本片被称为瑞典版007,男主角主演的《更好的世界》曾获得83届奥斯卡最佳外语片大ccc。瑞典情报官员卡尔·汉密尔顿(米克尔·佩斯勃兰特MikaelPersbrandt饰),打入一个偷了瑞典先进的GPS制导导弹的国际犯罪团伙,这伙亡命雇佣军绑架了一名瑞典武器技术专家,并收到了一个不明身份客户组织的命令,准备发动一次致命的攻击。虽然汉密尔顿暴露了身…
- Experience adventure on journeys filled with danger and peril. Wits and skill will be needed to survive and see the next dawn. Discover numerous unique societies, distinct cultures and beliefs and vie for World supremacy, and so it begins.
- 朱莉在巴黎一家豪华酒店打工,工作非常辛苦,还要努力照顾在乡下的两个孩子。后来,她得到了一个期待已久的工作面试机会,但一场全国性的罢工爆发了,导致公共交通系统陷入瘫痪。一直以来,朱莉努力在生活中维系着一种平衡,而这种脆弱的平衡被突发事件所打破。为了得偿所愿,她冒着随时都会碰壁乃至失去一切的风险,开始了一场与时间的疯狂赛跑…
- A couple ask each other a series of questions that will determine if they're meant to be together.
- An archaeologist travels to Chernobyl to find her missing brother, only to find something far more sinister within the abandon city walls.
- Because his single mother criticised the state, Alex was sent to a special children’s home at the age of eleven, in order to shape him – like almost 500,000 children in the GDR – into a “socialist personality”. He escaped and ended up as a…
- When Pompeii was destroyed by an apocalyptic volcano in 79 AD, another Roman town was also destroyed and experts now use cutting-edge tech to investigate the secrets of Vesuvius' second victim.\r\n 解谜被维苏威火山摧毁的庞贝姐妹城——赫库兰尼姆的故事。