- The true life story of Buffalo Bill --from his childhood, to the establishment of his Wild West Show and tours of Europe, to his sad demise at the start of 20th Century.
- The wise and experienced maestro in the arts of love imparting his knowledge and techniques to a younger man before he dies.
- 凯瑟琳娜大帝正处于权力的巅峰,当被奴役的人民在他们的专制统治下流血时,贵族们效仿他们的沙皇,沉溺于猖獗的暴行。人们给她起了一个绰号:圣彼得堡的妓女凯瑟琳娜,这并非没有道理。
- Two brothers locked in the blackness of the basement. The father persists an anonymous threat from the Off. The both boys try tensely to reconstruct the progression; thereby the bounds become blurred between dream and reality, light and shadow, live and death.
- 《讨厌的门》:人生跌入谷底的男人,偶然听说有一家只要住一晚就能获得幸福的旅馆。只是那永远的幸福,悲哉?幸哉?《最初的一步》:公司职员小肇做事过于周到小心,惹怒女友而不自知,这时月老突然降临;《书签爱情》:普通劳动者邦子喜欢上了留着长发的青年学生,她欲言又止,只能通过书签和对方展开心的交流;《杀意使用说明书》:灰溜溜的广…