- 《FantasticDuo》是SBS推出的一档韩国音乐综艺节目,只需有手机便可以通过手机APP与韩国顶级歌手合唱。炫茂将担任节目主持人,干脆利落的主持风格令人期待。通过这个节目,观众们可以通过手机连线与节目中的4名歌手两两组队,亲眼见证普通粉丝与顶级歌手合唱的过程,这是一档受到韩国国民期待的音乐秀。另外,《FantasticDuo—我手中的歌…
- 曾经的一场人魔大战令两方人马都元气大伤,如今,战争的硝烟已然散去,却遗留下了诸多的难题要一一破解。人类为了赢得战争而锻造了大批拥有强大力量的武器,人们称之为“神诲魔械”,战争结束后,这批破坏力强大的武器的去向则成为了需要解决的首要问题,大家都同意将它们交由护印师来保管。 丹衡和丹翡兄妹两,身为护印师,担负起了保管最…
- Roald Dahl was the most successful children’s writer of his generation, and remains one of the most popular of all time. His fantastical, macabre stories have been read by hundreds of millions worldwide, and have become a staple of our chi…
- When the woman he loves falls victim to a nuclear tampon causing her to grow ten times her size and ten times as angry a would be hero must take his magic sword to fulfill his destiny. The fate of the universe hangs in the balance as he is forced to choose between love and saving the world.