- De nombreuses femmes de la haute société bloquées par leur situation sociale, refoulent des fantasmes. En monnayant leurs caprices sexuels, en se faisant prendre dans des lieux insolites, elles découvrent de façon parfois violente, la jou…
- 鹈野涡芽(大桥彩香 配音)是一名平凡的十五岁少女,一天,涡芽搭乘电车外出,在车上遇见了一个怪人,整个人不由分说的塞给了涡芽一叠名为“Fantasista Doll”的卡片。涡芽在懵懵懂懂之中打开了卡片,让她没有想到的是,五名活泼可爱的少女出现在了她的面前,自己成为了她们的主人。沉着靠谱深得同伴们信赖的莎莎萝(津田美波 配音)、身形娇小…
- This film is called Fantasia 3 because it contains three fairy tales. The second of the three is The Wonderful Wizard of Oz..
- This film shows a cinematic experiment which is led by music and is a road movie which tells the story by following a single musical album. The journey that travels from Gahoe-dong, Seoul to the sea may be viewed as somewhat stereotype. However, during the short running time, the film unfolds a plain story with the pow…