- 《星际旅行:深空九号》(StarTrek:DeepSpaceNine,简称「DS9」)是第三代星际旅行系列剧集,从1993年至1999年总共播出了七季,该剧共获得3项艾美奖,9项其他各类奖和42项各类提名。它不以「星舰进取号」及其船员为主角,而以记述围绕在「深空九号」(DeepSpaceNine)太空站周遭所发生的事件为主。故事发生在2369年,深空九号太空站本来是卡达…
- 《星际旅行:深空九号》(StarTrek:DeepSpaceNine,简称为ST:DS9或DS9),是一部于1993年正式开播的科幻电视电视剧,一共拍摄了7季,并于1999年正式结束。应布兰登·塔奇科夫的请求,赖克·伯曼和迈克尔·皮勒创作了这部以吉恩·罗登伯里的《星际旅行》虚构宇宙为故事背景的电视剧集,并由派拉蒙影业出品。主要的作者除了伯曼与皮勒外,还包括电…
- Having just arrived in paradise, Jerome sets out to find his wife Maryline. In the course of his search, he sinks into a surreal and colorful world in which no one seems to be able to help him.
- An estranged brother and sister reunite at their father's funeral and make a spur of the moment decision to fulfill their childhood dream of driving across Mexico on their old motorbikes.