- 就读穗群原学园的普通女生伊莉雅,在某天遇到了自称人工天然精灵的魔法露比万花筒之杖,并强制地被缔结契约,成为了魔法少女伊莉雅。此时已是红宝石之星持有人的她,也变成了万花筒之杖原持有者的魔术师远坂凛的奴隶,在其的命令之下,被迫帮忙回收职阶卡片。有一天遇到了从凛手上逃出来的万花筒之杖,并被强制变成魔法少女,成为魔法红宝石的持…
- 四个富有的男人(快乐的男人)引诱有权势的女人 从政治精英那里得到合同 从富人那里偷东西,给穷人 和城里最性感的女人发生性关系 他们面临着前所未有的挑战 因为他们与一位声名狼藉、腐败的政客对抗 后者计划拆除一个村庄 建造一座购物中心 这四个人计划拯救村里的穷人
- 来自西卡利耶拉的女钢琴师.利用亲善义演机会来日本委托城市猎人猎鹰寻找亲生父亲。却意外地卷入一项可怕的情报战当中,却也因此遇上她一心想找到的父亲,没想到父亲就是地方的情报员,然而她最想知道的是父亲当年离开母亲的原因,最后阿獠及阿香给了她及父亲想要的答案.......
- The comedic story of a man named Chob, who enjoys flirting with In-tu-orn, the daughter of a powerful and wealthy landowner who owns almost every acre in northern Thailand. In-tu-orn's father asks Chob to prove his love towards his daughter by taking a seven-day trip upcountry, attempting to quarrel with anyone he meet…
- Arash (Osamah Sami) defies his family’s wishes and travels from Iran to Australia. While he is ostensibly in Sydney to study, his main motivation is to be with the love of his life, Nazanin (Faezeh Alavi). Nazanin fails to fetch him at the…
- To My Father, a short documentary set to premiere at the Tribeca Festival on June 8, explores the relationship between Kotsur and his father Leonard, a man who mastered ASL to communicate with his son and “be the best possible father to Troy.” Tragically, when Troy was a senior in high school, his father was struck by …