- Recorded At: Maine Road, Manchester on the 28th April 1996 and Earls Court, London on the 4th and 5th November 1995
- ◎简 介关于一场演唱会的电影《Total Balalaika Show》(“Balalaika”是俄罗斯的一种民族乐器,三角形,有三根弦。)。“Total Balalaika Show”这场空前的“合作”演唱会,演出者是“列宁格勒牛仔”和一整支全副军装、成员共有160人的俄罗斯红军合唱团。演唱会于1993年6月12日在 芬兰赫尔辛基的Senate广场举行,总共从芬兰和俄罗斯…
- The life of Kees Bakels, a Dutch boy living in the beginning of the 20th century: his adventures, his love for Rosa, from 12 to 23 years old.He is a dreamy boy who often withdraws in a fantasy world where he practices lots of heroic deeds. When his father suddenly becomes ill Kees must take his responsibility and take …