搜索 Ferdi

  • 捷克百佳之一。安东·斯皮尔莱克虽是一个乐器制造商,但更是一位神枪手,在一年一度的枪手授勋会上,他满怀期待,可惜因为少了一枚勋章,只能等来年了,失望之余,情急之下,在酒馆黑就时不慎出言侮辱了国王,因此被送往监狱,但他心生一计,让其雇员Josef Kukacka代他服刑,他自己则在家秘密工作,而Josef Kukacka也如样炮制,让一个流浪汉李代…
  • 「足球场上的艺术家」绍尔于2007年8月15日退役。该片讲述了绍尔的足球生涯、梦想和生活。Danke,Mehmet.
  • 在罗马统治埃及,一个州长任命佩特罗尼乌斯的腐败的政府引起了叛乱的El卡比尔为首,一个年轻人学会说他其实是克利奥帕特拉和尤利乌斯凯撒的儿aaa。当佩特罗尼乌斯的女儿,利维娅,刚从罗马来,落入他的手中,卡比尔利用这个机会去赢得她的芳心他之前释放她父亲。利维娅的促进和平的努力,然而,挫败,只有屋大维凯撒到来可以带来解决问题的情况…
  • After an attack against the guard of the Third Reich, Nazi repression intensifies, and the Czechoslovakian resistance's organized sabotage in an aircraft factory leads to Gestapo shootings. Now, factory worker Petr Lom (Gustav Nezval) must make a choice: Is he prepared to sacrifice his life to save his co-workers?
  • Don Pedro, the elegant landowner of Puerto Rico, is conquered by Astree, the rebellious travelling Swedish woman. They get married and have a child. Their relationship begins to change and Don holds Astree a prisoner. Homesicked, all Astree's pent-up hatred of her husband and his island breaks out when her childhood fr…
  • Formerly, the usual UK title was THE BOGEY MAN AND THE FRENCH MURDERS. There's also a Greek video with the sleeve title, CALL GIRLS FOR INSPECTOR BOGART. The inspector is not named Bogart, nor does he get any call girls, but who cares? It's a title that sells.There's a killer in Paris, a suicide from the Eiffel Tower, …
  • 电影喜剧
  • 捷克新浪潮的早期经典,Jan Nemec作品,主演里居然有英国著名导演Lindsay Anderson。。。http://www.pecina.cz/files/www.ce-review.org/01/17/kinoeye17_hames.htmlThis romance is comprised of three tales representing different aspects of love: temptation, dreams,…