- This Portuguese drama examines the daily life minutiae and intrigues of two scions of society in the rural village where they live. One is a wealthy landowner, the other a widowed aristocrat who lives in a world of her own. "Starting off from a fine novel by Carlos de Oliveira, Fernando Lopes doesn't so mush recon…
- 一个墨西哥裔家庭,外祖母、母亲和女儿均过着情感压抑的生活。在一个夏天,她们终于各自开始经历情与爱。夏天过后,三个人不再被传统的社会道德标准所束缚,开始以新的道德观念审视自己,追求属于自己的爱情。一个夏天,唤醒了三代女人心中对感情的渴望,为她们带来了新的生活。