搜索 Ferre

  • 故事梗概:在其他动物看来,塔诺是一只非常奇怪的流浪猫,因为它整日和本应是它的食物的老鼠保罗、以及一只老鸽子混在一起。只有它的老朋友们知道塔诺生性善良,是个忠诚的朋友。塔诺和老鼠、鸽子一直平静地生活在一个小公园里,直到一个调皮的小男孩的到来扰乱了一切。其他小动物都深受小男孩的迫害,于是纷纷想到了“倒霉鬼”塔诺。他们一直认…
  • Conan O'Brien celebrates ten years of "Late Night with Conan O'Brien" (1993) in this one-hour special. Many guest appearances and clip montages show us how funny his show has been.
  • Piero arriva a Parigi da Luino dopo aver vinto un torneo di biliardo con gli amici. In treno incontra il famoso iettatore Ramazzini ed ha quindi numerosi incidenti che culminano col suo arresto e il ritiro del passaporto da parte del commissario Juvet. Uscito, trova casualmente ospitalità presso la signora Lenormand e …
  • During production on the film _Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou, The (2004)_, documentary filmmakers followed the cast and crew of a film which depicts other documentary filmmakers who follow animal life. In this film, we get a first hand look at the sets and come very close to many of the cast and crew members at work, …
  • A Lebanese photographer living in Brazil in the '30s manages to take pictures of Lampiao, a legendary Brazilian outlaw, kind of a tropical Robin Hood.The best film made in Brazil this decade. Baile Perfumado (Perfumed Ball) is a wonderful experimentation on cinema language, the way it works with the colors, the narrati…
  • Beto (Paulo Roque) is a bus conductor married with Gilda (Janaína Kremer), who longs to have a child. When Beto approaches Leia (Lorena Lima), owner of the bar he frequents, known Valcir (Luis Miranda), a newcomer stranger in town who will…
  • 电影
    Following the success of their feature debut Jennifer’s Shadow (2004) – an exercise in American Gothic set in a scary land called Argentina – Pablo Parés and Daniel de la Vega worked for a US company on a post-mega-disaster wasteland zomb…
  • 电影生活
    《自拍》是16岁的戴维德·比福尔科(DavideBifolco)一案的独特记录,他在特雷亚诺的那不勒斯(NeapolitanDistrictofTraiano)被一名宪兵射杀。为了了解一个经常被描绘成贫民区和“卡莫拉”据点的街区,以及戴维德死亡的情况,导演Agostino Ferrente寻找戴维德的朋友,并会见了Pietro和Alessandro。在这部电影的序言中,有人听到…
  • 电影科幻
  • MMALoveNeverDies
    When his brother is shot and his niece kidnapped, a former MMA champion turned police detective is forced to go back into the ring for one last fight in order to rescue the girl and appease the criminals who have harmed his family.   当他的兄弟被枪杀并且他的侄女被绑架时,一名前MMA冠军转为警察被迫回到赛场进行最后一次战斗,以便拯救女孩并安抚伤害他家人的罪犯。