- In Berlin in 1935, Regina Jonas made history as the first officially ordained female rabbi. During the Second World War, knowing that she was to be sent to the concentration camps, she placed in her synagogue all her documents and the only photograph ever taken of her, trusting that in the event of her death there woul…
- Larry Lamb discovers how an extraordinary people rose from humble beginnings to create the greatest empire mankind had ever seen.
- (简介由:土豆泥 原创翻译,转载请注明出处)瑞美绘在前几天去的东京少女时装秀的模特甄选上,物色到了“FIRST CLASS”杂志未来的“核心模特”。以“拥有不输给ERENA的实力”的评价,签下了兵库县出身的17岁的丹羽仁希。虽然是恶女但对工作还是一如既往的认真。记录编辑部瑞美绘忙碌的一天的伪纪录片《I AM REMIE~干练编辑瑞美绘忙碌的一天~…
- 年销售额超过160亿日元的服装品牌TATSUKO YANO(TY)在矢野龙子(夏木玛丽 饰)的率领下已经走过35个年头,然而口碑在外却也难以阻止日薄西山的颓势。在此危急关头,曾经成功拯救过三个品牌的创意总监广木利佳(木村佳乃 饰)强势入主TY,以其全新的理念在该品牌内部刮起一场革新风暴。与此同时,在《First Class》等时尚杂志饱经历练的吉成千…